FedEx Osh - Ош, Киргизия

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FedEx Osh
73 Masalieva St, Ош, Киргизия
+996 (3222) 4‒11‒82
Мобильный телефон
+996 702‒51‒70‒71
+996 772‒50‒67‒50
FedEx Osh in Kyrgyzstan is a leading international shipping and logistics provider. Established in 1999, FedEx provides reliable and fast delivery services for customers both domestically and internationally. Our commitment to our customers is to offer superior customer service, cutting-edge technology, and a wide range of services. We offer a variety of services to meet the needs of customers, including package delivery, freight forwarding, customs clearance, and more. We also provide support services such as tracking and tracing, customs clearance, and time-definite delivery. Our commitment to our customers is to provide the highest level of service, with competitive rates, and reliable delivery. With our vast network of international partners, we are able to deliver packages and  
show_more freight to almost any destination in the world. FedEx Osh is dedicated to providing exceptional service and quality to our customers, enabling them to make their businesses more efficient and successful. With FedEx Osh, your shipments will be delivered on-time, every time.


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Вопросы и Ответы

Добрый день. Сегодня был передан документ к отправке в Россию. Можно ли как-нибудь отменить отправление и вернуть деньги?
ОШ шаарынан, Казахстан, Павлодарга чейин канча болот,А4 документтер,100-200 гр салмагы.Рахмат
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