Бимед Фарм ОсОО - Бишкек, Киргизия
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Бимед Фарм ОсОО
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Bimed Farm OOO is one of the leading pharmaceutical companies in Kyrgyzstan. Established in 2000, the company specializes in the production and distribution of high-quality, reliable, and affordable medicines. The company’s mission is to provide quality medicines at reasonable prices for the benefit of the Kyrgyz people. Bimed Farm has a wide range of products, including medicines for general health, cardiovascular diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, and other medical conditions. All products are manufactured in accordance with international standards and have been tested for safety and effectiveness. Bimed Farm is highly committed to the well-being of its customers and provides excellent customer service. With its commitment to quality and affordability, Bimed Farm is dedicated to
making a positive difference in the lives of the people of Kyrgyzstan. In short, Bimed Farm is the perfect choice for all your pharmaceutical needs.Карта окрестности
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